Xxhe Myt’tholis is a composer, vocalist, performance artist, and sound engineer known for their innovative approach to music. At just seventeen, they wrote an arctic opera using a unique combination of ice sounds, orchestral instruments, and the natural noises of the tundra. This pioneering project gave birth to a new musical genre called strange-tundra. Since then, Xxhe has continued to explore and create atmospheric experimental music across a wide range of genres, establishing themselves as a prominent figure in the contemporary music scene.

The Creation of Astatine

Astatine is an experimental dance piece that perfectly embodies Xxhe’s artistic vision. Written, produced, and performed by Xxhe themselves, the piece stands out for its fusion of natural and synthetic sounds. Using the sounds of cracking ice, wind, and the tundra, Xxhe meticulously decorated the composition with precise sound details. This synthesis process led to the creation of a work that is as fascinating as it is original. If you listen closely to Astatine, you can perceive the cracklings and shatterings of ice noises surrounding the listener, creating a unique immersive experience.

The New Genre: Strange-Tundra

The term “strange-tundra” was coined by Xxhe to describe their unique musical style. This genre combines elements of ambient and experimental music with the characteristic sounds of the arctic environment. Their music evokes images of frozen landscapes and vast snowy horizons, transporting the listener to an unexplored sound world. Xxhe’s ability to blend natural sounds with complex musical arrangements has opened new pathways in experimental music, influencing a new generation of artists and music enthusiasts.

With the release of Astatine in 2024, Xxhe continues to push the boundaries of experimental music. Their commitment to creating innovative and engaging sounds demonstrates that music can be as much a sensory experience as an artistic expression. Xxhe’s career is a testament to the power of creativity and experimentation in modern music, cementing their role as a pioneer in the world of strange-tundra.

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