The year 2024 marks the release of “Dream to Mode”, a captivating and evocative track from the album “It’s Colder at Night than Outside” by German artist T.Graustein. This piece fits perfectly into the growing Synthwave scene, with influences from Darkwave, Synthpop and EDM, reflecting T.Graustein’s eclectic musical style.

Who is T.Graustein?

Born in 1991 in Germany, T.Graustein, whose real name is Kevin, was discovered in 2023 by the label Schwerin “Position1Tracks”. Since then, he has quickly won the hearts of 22,000 listeners with his distinctive and engaging music. Before embarking on his musical career, Kevin was a well-known face on Twitch, where he was an active game streamer.

His professional life is as interesting as his artistic career. Kevin has dedicated much of his life to protecting others, working first as a firefighter, then as a soldier, and currently as a security guard. This vocation to protect and serve is also reflected in his music, which exudes a sense of safety and comfort, despite the melancholic tones of Synthwave.

The Album: It’s Colder at Night than Outside

“Dream to Mode” is one of the key tracks on “It’s Colder at Night than Outside”,an album conceived as a tribute to the legendary Depeche Mode, of whom T.Graustein is a big fan. The album’s title itself evokes an image of introspection and mystery, fundamental elements in Depeche Mode’s music.

Among the album’s tracks, special mention goes to “Timewarp” and “Miami Police” ,which hark back to the first single “Deep Rising Sun”. These songs were created with the intent to engage the GTA and Need for Speed gaming community, a clear reference to T.Graustein’s passion for video games and pop culture.

A Tribute to Depeche Mode

One of the most touching aspects of the album is the dedication to Andy Fletcher, the late member of Depeche Mode. This dedication is not only a personal tribute but also a recognition of the profound impact the band has had on T.Graustein and his music.

A Future in Bali

In addition to his musical and professional career, T.Graustein’s future is marked by a new chapter: a move to Indonesia. Kevin has decided to settle in Bali, where he plans to start a new label and continue his artistic journey in a completely different environment. This change represents another piece in the mosaic of his life, characterized by a continuous search for new horizons and challenges.


“Dream to Mode” is a gateway to the inner world of T.Graustein, a multifaceted artist with a fascinating history and a promising future. His ability to blend various musical genres with deep personal experiences makes his music unique and engaging. With “It’s Colder at Night than Outside,” T.Graustein not only pays tribute to his idols but also creates a work that speaks directly to the hearts of his listeners.

Follow T.Graustein on X, Twitch, official Instagram, private Instagram and TikTok